Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Workshop of Whoa, what did I just agree to?

Molly, my dear girl, is one of those children who needs constant activity to stay engaged and entertained. I learned this the hard way two summers ago. I didn't really plan anything and thought we would play things by ear. This was a horrible decision. We were both miserable.

So, last year, I learned the art of summer camp planning. I found a lot of different camps that would keep Molly entertained and keep us on a schedule throughout the summer. It was a much better summer.

This year, I knew I would do the same thing. The first activity up for the summer was Vacation Bible School at our church, theme: Workshop of Wonders. Charlotte was old enough to sign up, too, so I signed both girls up and said I would be happy to volunteer whenever they needed me.

Well, a couple weeks ago, I got an email asking if I would mind being in charge of preschool crafts for VBS. Yikes! I was definitely scared. I'm not a teacher, nor am I particularly crafty, and I've never been in charge of a bunch of little children. But, I do love the preschool age, and I didn't have anything else I was doing, so I said yes.

I really had no idea what I was doing, but luckily, everyone was super helpful. I was kind of panicky and stressed about everything. I was googling and Pinterest-searching like there was no tomorrow. But, it turns out, the crafts were mostly planned already, I just had to organize and facilitate the projects. Plus, I had lots of people around to ask questions when I needed.

As it happens, little kids are pretty fun. I ended up having a really good time. It probably helped that several of my parent helpers were already friends of mine (Thanks Lindsey, Megan and Kim!). It was also super fun to see Charlotte in a class setting.

Brook was taking pictures throughout the week, so I got some pictures of the girls from the week. So much fun was had. Molly LOVED the music, and you can tell in her face in the pictures. Charlotte loved snacks, and you can tell that from the pictures as well :)

The first day was RED day:

Molly singing and practicing her moves.

Molly in recreation.

Charlotte LOVES her snacks.

Second day was BLUE:
Me helping with a project.

Luckily Jody let me borrow all these things to let the kids build with when the art projects didn't quite take the whole time.

The kids loved building.
Next was Yellow day:
More singing for Molly.

Charlotte playing in recreation.

More Charlotte fun.
Thursday was Purple:

Charlotte walking through the halls.

Molly and Jake being goofy.
And, the final day was Green:

Cute picture of Molly.
Charlotte and more snacks!

Molly and more singing!

As a special treat, Avery came and participated in VBS throughout the week, too. This is one of my favorite pictures of the three girls:

So, after all the fears and stress worrying about being a preschool craft leader, I ended up having a great week. And, clearly, the girls did, too.

Up this week for summer camp schedule: Molly is in art camp at Creative Kingdom. She's loving it so far!

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