Friday, September 2, 2011


So, my precious, adorable, beautiful darling daughter has been giving me quite the headaches lately. See, I had this crazy idea that I wanted to have some professional pictures taken of my two girls together. I know. Completely bonkers, right? And, I wanted the pictures to be taken outside. I am a lunatic. Certifiable. Lock me up now.

We tried first, about a week and a half ago. I got up early, ran in the gorgeous clear weather, got the girls ready. Did their hair, put on their cute dresses. Made sure they were cleaned and pressed. I even had checked the weather that morning. I got Charlotte down for her morning nap early, and she woke just in time for us to leave. Problem? By the time we drove the 10 minutes to the shoot, it had started raining. And, not just sprinkles. Massive, torrential rain, thunder and lightning. Well, that day was out.

We tried again a couple days later. Only this time, Charlotte refused to go down for her morning nap. So, when we showed up, she was tired, cranky and clingy. And, I don't mean your garden-variety clingy. The girl, literally would not let go of my neck. I tried to run around with her or get her to chase Molly, and all we got were giant, gulping-for-air screams of terror. After an hour, we decided to try again another day.

Cut to Monday morning. We decided to go super early, before her morning nap. We even had Cory bring the girls so Charlotte wouldn't cling to me. We packed bubbles, balls, bats. Whatever we could think of to get her to be comfortable. As soon as Cory turned into the parking lot, Charlotte started crying. She didn't stop crying and clinging until they gave up and drove home again.

So, lesson: Charlotte will have no 18-month professional pictures. Luckily, we got some good ones of just Molly. Check out those here. I really have to hand it to Kelly, our photographer, for trying over and over and over again. I will blame Charlotte when she comes asking why she doesn't have any pictures of herself from this time in her life. Little stinker knows how to push her momma's buttons.

Here are a couple pictures Cory took during the attempted photo session:
Molly while Cory was trying to get Charlotte warmed up to the picture idea.
Self-portrait. Charlotte was crying AND avoiding looking at the camera.
Charlotte when they got home from the last attempt:
Little Stinker.
Cute. Detached from parent. Not crying.  
Why she wouldn't do this for the professional photographer, I have no idea. I'm pretty sure she is purposely trying to drive me straight into the mental institution. Between these latest picture attempts, the hair cut, and her screaming through her entire 18-month doctor's appointment, she has no idea how close she is coming to succeeding.


  1. I love the Little stinker picture!!!! That look.....

  2. Who would have guessed, not that long ago people were commenting on how Charlotte was the "smiliest" baby ever.
