Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Modeling Pro

Last Friday, Molly participated in her second (hear that? second) fashion show. Yes, call up Tyra right now, Molly's on her way to Top Model stardom. Ok, maybe she's not quite there, yet. I mean, I'm pretty sure they have height requirements, and being under 4-foot is probably a deal-breaker.

 Buuuut, she did walk across the stage all by herself. So, see, she's almost there!

Here's the deal, Cory's mom is the head of the Fashion Merchandising program at Johnson County Community College. And, every year, the students put on a fashion show as a way to showcase their designs. Molly participated last year for the first time. So, this year, she was a veteran at this runway walking thing. She got to walk in both the noon show and the 7 o'clock show. Unfortunately, Cory and I had already purchased tickets to an event on Friday night, so we only got to watch her in the noon show.

Cory picked her up early from preschool to take her for a run-through and to get her hair styled by the cosmetology students. Talk about a pretty cool reason to leave preschool. Molly absolutely adored having her hair done. And, really, who could blame her? I would have someone do my hair all the time if I could! Ah, the life of a model! Afterward, she kept saying, "Look, my hair is all curls, Mommy!" (Not sure what she thinks her hair normally looks like, if not all curls, but whatever.)

Charlotte and I met them up at the school. I tried to be prepared to entertain Charlotte during the hour-long show. I packed fruit snacks, goldfish, books, and even little Disney character figurines. But, I still failed. Charlotte lasted about 20 minutes in before crying and making a fuss. Cory had to take her out of the auditorium, and he missed Molly's first trip around the stage.

But, luckily for us, Molly had a costume change and a second trip across stage. See? She's a total pro, now. Now, I know what you're thinking. Costume change? At 4? That must've been craziness backstage! Well, it probably was. But, I was in the audience trying to entertain a 2-year-old, so I wouldn't know. I was in my own special kind of hell.

In the noon show, Molly wanted someone to hold her hand while she walked the runway. She remembered having a buddy last year, so she assumed she would have one this year. And, considering she's only 4, I thought it was still quite appropriate. However, apparently she was so comfortable by the 7 o'clock show that she model-walked across that stage all by herself. Watch out Heidi Klum!

So, what I know you're all interested in ... Pictures! My camera didn't work all that well, so we got some pictures from the 7 o'clock show from a friend of Cory's mom. She gave us ones last year as well. It pays to know someone with an awesome camera!

Modeling an dress from a student designer.

Waving to her adoring audience.

This is during the evening show when she walked all by herself!

She (and the other little girls) modeled dresses made for the Little Dresses for Africa charity.

These were from the noon show. She had a hand-holding buddy.

And, Molly with the person who made it all happen. Gotta love getting special privileges from being the granddaughter of the head of the program. 

Dislaimer: I do not and will not encourage my daughters to pursue futures in the modeling industry. I use this imagery purely for entertainment purposes. If you know me, you know this to be true. :)

1 comment:

  1. I so love your writing......what a wonderful experience for Miss Molly.....
