Saturday, August 4, 2012

2011 Photo Book - Complete!

Hallelujah! It is only the first of August of 2012, and I finally finished my 2011 photo book. I'm beginning to think that this compulsion of mine to constantly keep scrapbooks up-to-date has something to do with my miserably poor memory. Well, that and the realization that time just flies by way too quickly. With Molly starting kindergarten in less than two weeks, I have been having this intense need to get the 2011 photo book finished. This is the longest into the next year I have gone before being finished with the prior year. It was definitely stressing me out. So, it is with great relief that I finally pushed that "place order" button.

Ah. I can breathe again. Well, until I start thinking about the seven months of 2012 that I haven't even started. Ack. Back to panic mode.

Well, anyway. Enjoy! You never, know, you may find yourself in one of these pictures :)


  1. I love it!!
    I must be channeling your anxiety. Last night I was thinking "oh my gosh, it is close to september and I still have September-December to do" I try to have it finished by my birthday. So you are going to start 2012 now :) I'll ask that every year. I wonder if I ever will do it in real time...

    1. I have every intention to start 2012 now ... we'll see how far intention translates into actuality :)

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  3. Great work, Amy! :) What software do you use for this stuff? It's not just in Shutterfly, right? It looks great no matter what!!!

    1. Nope, I make each page in Photoshop Elements, then I place them as a whole page into the Shutterfly book. Though, I have used the Shutterfly books themselves (with their backgrounds and stickers) to make little books for different events for the girls. I prefer to work on my year books in Photoshop.
      And, thanks! I'm just glad to be done :)

  4. You do such an amazing job!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!!!! Every page is such a joy to see!!!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!!
